Do Dental Implants Require Special Care?
Dental implants offer patients a number of benefits, one of which is convenience. Not only does a dental implant look and function like a natural tooth, it also requires minimal adjustments to a patient’s existing oral care routine.
Because dental implants are directly linked to the jaw and require no additional support from surrounding teeth, patients can brush and floss dental implants just like their regular teeth. There are no appliances to restrict access to the gumline, unlike with a bridge.
Although dental implant patients can maintain a typical home oral hygiene regimen, they should alert the dentist and dental hygienist to the location of the implant. Dental professionals may need to adjust their techniques or use specialized instruments when cleaning or examining the teeth.
As is the case with any restoration, you should also use common sense when chewing or biting with your dental implant. Any hard item that could damage a biological tooth could harm the prosthetic that is anchored by the implant. Avoid chewing on ice or non-food objects, and don’t bite directly into hard foods.
Although dental implants do not require much additional care in comparison to natural teeth, they do require that the patient maintain the good oral hygiene habits that promote overall oral health. Brushing and flossing to limit the presence of plaque and tartar are essential, as the oral bacteria that cause gum disease can threaten the long-term stability of the dental implant. The dentist may recommend adding a mouthwash to further reduce the presence of bacteria.
The surgical procedure that the dentist performs to place dental implants also causes minimal disruption to a patient’s daily life. Patients typically are able to resume their normal routines within a week or so after the surgery.
Dental implants should not require much more care than their biological neighbors do. When planning for dental implant placement, discuss your post-operative routine with our dental team so that you will be prepared to give your dental implants the care they need for a maximum lifespan.