Why Should I Make the Switch to a Holistic Dentist?

Why Should I Make the Switch to a Holistic Dentist?

Holistic dentistry is on the rise, sparking questions in the minds of many:

“Is my current dentist effective? Should I make the switch to a holistic dentist?”

“I am told that holistic dentists take a more natural approach to dentistry, but is that reason enough to make the switch?”

“Traditional dentists have been doing things their way for years, how could we have missed the importance of holistic dentistry?”

We hope to provide answers to these questions and more below. Read on to find out why we think you should make the switch to a holistic dentist!

They Consider the “Mouth-Body Connection”

Holistic dentists understand that the mouth does not exist in a silo, and that the procedures they perform on your teeth will have lasting effects on the rest of your body as well. They also understand that what goes on in your body, whether positive or negative, will have serious effects on your mouth. This is sometimes called the “Mouth-Body Connection.” Because of their understanding of the mouth-body connection, holistic dentists take time to sit down with their patients and gather as much information about their health as possible–Not just their dental health, but their diet, their lifestyle, and their mental and emotional health as well. They take all of this into consideration to determine the best approach for your dental health and overall well-being.

Holistic Dentists Use Safer Materials

Holistic dentists avoid dental appliances, cleaning materials, and dental hygiene products that use toxic chemicals. Examples of these include mercury amalgam fillings, sealants containing BPA, and fluoride.

Mercury is toxic, and holistic dentists believe that any amount that leaks into the body, no matter how small, puts the body at risk. Mercury fillings are often preferred by traditional dentists because they last longer. Although this is true, mercury fillings are known to last longer because they are stronger than our teeth, which places significant pressure on the tooth filled. This pressure can destroy the original tooth, something all dentists should seek to avoid. Holistic dentists use fillings that match the material of the tooth filled more closely in order to protect it.

BPA, also known as Bisphenol A, is a chemical found in many plastic materials, and it is often used in dental sealants. The problem with BPA is that it mimics estrogen, which can be dangerous for the hormonal balance of the body. As such, holistic dentists avoid materials containing BPA.

Fluoride is a chemical many traditional dentists prescribe to strengthen teeth. It is harmless and even helpful when needed, but just like with any chemical compound, too much fluoride can be toxic for the body. Fluorosis is a harmful condition caused by too much fluoride intake. Holistic dentists recognize that fluoride is already present in many community water systems and only prescribe it when necessary.

In order to help their patients avoid harmful chemicals, holistic dentists also encourage their patients to use natural dental hygiene products, such as natural toothpaste.

They Practice Integrative Medicine

Integrative Medicine is an approach that combines traditional dentistry with other therapies in dental practice for a fuller approach to care. A big focus for holistic dentists is the nature of the relationships between the structure of the teeth, the jaw, the head, and the neck. Learn more about one of these therapies, called tongue positioning.

Holistic Dentists Pursue Natural Remedies

Holistic dentists seek to avoid invasive procedures as much as possible, opting instead for natural, preventative remedies to common dental issues. They use x-rays sparingly and often do not offer root canals, crowns, and many other procedures typical of a traditional practice. This does not mean that they do not use many traditional methods when needed. Holistic dentists stress the importance of nutrition as the first defense against dental woes. For issues that require treatment, they often offer natural remedies.

They Made the Switch First

It is a little-known fact that many holistic dentists turned their practice around after working in traditional dentistry for many years. They made the switch because they witnessed the mouth-body connection through the experiences of their patients. In order to provide the best possible care for their patients, these holistic dentists researched their experiences and came to the conclusion that holistic dentistry will best meet their patients’ needs.

Holistic dentists pursue an approach that uses natural, preventative measures first and takes the whole body into consideration when practicing dental care. We hope we provided answers to any questions you may have about holistic dentistry. If you have more, please reach out to your local holistic dentists, Dr. Owen Mandanas! Dr. Mandanas would be happy to talk with you more about the benefits of making the switch from traditional to holistic dentistry.