Foods That Naturally Strengthen Children's Teeth

7 Foods That Naturally Strengthen Your Child’s Teeth

Many dentists are quick to talk about the foods that we should avoid feeding our children if we want them to have healthy teeth. We are given lists of “no-no foods” to post on our fridge doors, including the likes of candy, soda, sugar, etc. These lists are helpful, but what if we want to take a more proactive approach? What are the foods that naturally promote healthy teeth in our children? Check out our list of 7 foods that do just that!

1. Water

Okay, water is a drink, not a food, but it is a drink that works wonders when it comes to naturally strengthening your child’s teeth! Water is the primary ingredient in saliva, which contains calcium and phosphorous. Both of these minerals are used by the body to rebuild enamel and teeth-supporting bone structures. Saliva is also a natural rinsing agent, loosening plaque and hydrating gums. Finally, saliva increases the number of natural, bacteria-fighting antibodies in the mouth and neutralizes damage-causing acid. Increase your child’s water intake to increase saliva production and reap these benefits for their teeth!

2. Raw, High-Fiber Veggies

Crunchy and stringy veggies naturally scrub plaque from teeth when chewed. Next time your child is looking for a quick snack, give them some celery or carrot sticks, broccoli or cauliflower, green beans or snap peas!

3. Protein/Mineral-Rich Foods

Foods that are high in vitamins A, C and D, calcium and phosphorous are good for your child’s teeth. Vitamins A and C fight gingivitis-causing bacteria. Vitamin D helps the body use calcium and phosphorous which are building blocks for healthy teeth. Calcium also raises the pH level in your child’s mouth, reducing acid, which eats away at your child’s enamel. Foods that contain these minerals include protein-rich beef, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu and beans as well as potatoes, spinach, other leafy greens and whole grains. Next time you are making dinner for your child, look for recipes that contain these natural ingredients!

4. Nuts & Seeds

Nuts and seeds are also vitamin and mineral rich, including vitamin D and calcium. They also contain natural fats and oils that coat your child’s teeth, shielding them against bacteria and strengthening their enamel, making them resistant to cavities. Pack trail mix for your child wherever you go to take advantage of the teeth-strengthening power of nuts and seeds!

5. Vitamin C-Rich Foods

Vitamin C fights the bacteria in the mouth that convert sugar to damage-causing acid. Vitamin C-rich foods include oranges, limes, kiwis, strawberries, papaya, cantaloupe, peppers, tomatoes and sweet potatoes to name a few. Many of these foods are also acid-rich, so exercise caution and choose lower-acidity vitamin C-rich foods for your child.

6. Dairy Products

Dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt are high in calcium, vitamin D and phosphorous. As we have already learned, these vitamins and minerals strengthen your child’s teeth and raise the pH level in their mouth, lowering acid levels and protecting their enamel. Dairy products also promote saliva production!

7. Sugarless Gum

Gum is typically not recommended by dentists because of its high sugar content, but sugarless gum is different! Not only does sugarless gum stimulate saliva production and naturally scrub your child’s teeth like veggies do, but many brands of sugarless gum contain a natural sweetener called Xylitol. This natural sweetener fights tooth decay-causing bacteria in your child’s mouth.

Incorporate these 7 foods in your child’s diet to strengthen their teeth! If you would like to talk to a dentist about more ways to naturally promote healthy teeth in your children, contact Dr. Owen Mandanas. Dr. Mandanas is an integrative dentist who will look at the whole picture of your child’s health to better take care of their mouth.

Tongue Positioning: What It Is and How It Helps

Tongue Positioning: What It Is and How It Helps

You may have recently heard your dentist mention “tongue posture” or “tongue positioning,” wondering: “What on earth is that? Why have I never heard of it before?” Well, just like we practice good sitting and standing posture for the sake of our necks and backs, we can practice good tongue posture for the sake of our mouth. In fact, the position of your tongue impacts the nose, the eyes, the head, the neck and shoulders too! As many as 50% of people have incorrect tongue posture and a growing number of dentists and orthodontists have started addressing this problem head on. Learn more about the negative impacts of improper tongue positioning, how to position your tongue correctly, and more below.

Proper Tongue Positioning

So what is the right way to hold your tongue? Let’s start with the wrong way first.

For a lot of people, their tongue rests at the bottom of the mouth, pushing against the bottom teeth. Is this you? If so, you have improper tongue positioning. Don’t be alarmed–As we mentioned earlier, almost half of the population on earth is in the same boat.

Proper tongue positioning is where the tongue rests at the top of the mouth, sitting about 1/2 inch behind the front teeth. Your entire tongue (including the back) should be pressing against the roof of the mouth, your lips should be sealed and your teeth should rest slightly apart. You don’t want any pressure on your bottom or top front teeth. Even the slightest pressure over time will move them (this is how orthodontics works!). It is important that the entire tongue presses against the roof of the mouth–Over time this can expand the palate, preventing the crowding of your teeth and opening up your sinuses.

Signs and Symptoms of Improper Tongue Positioning

The tongue is a powerful muscle, impacting many parts of the body beyond the mouth. As we mentioned earlier, tongue positioning can even affect the sinuses. Here are some signs and symptoms that could indicate improper tongue positioning:

  • Improper Swallowing – When swallowing, your tongue should move up and back like a wave moving the food toward the back of your throat, not forward and down (this is called tongue thrusting). Tongue thrusting negatively affects the shape of your teeth and jaw.
  • Snoring and Sleep Apnea – Again, your palate is connected to the sinuses. If by improper tongue positioning your palate has narrowed, your sinuses may narrow, creating complications for your breathing.
  • Vision Problems – The palate is connected to your eye sockets as well as your sinuses, impacting how your eyes rest in your head. If the palate misshapen is due to improper tongue positioning, your eyes will not be positioned properly.
  • Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (better known as TMJ) – If you have had orthodontic work, chances are you have TMJ, especially if your orthodontist does not take a holistic approach to your teeth. TMJ is where the jaw is slightly out of alignment, causing inflammation and pain at the hinge. Orthodontic work should consider tongue positioning and how their work on the teeth affects the jaw along with the rest of the body.
  • Crowded Teeth
  • Gap in the Front Teeth
  • Dysfunctional Bite – Overbite, underbite or crossbite.
  • Teeth Grinding
  • Tooth Decay
  • Recessed Chin
  • Longer, Flatter Face Shape
  • Forward Thrust of the Head – Where the head is thrust forward and chin is lifted. Our heads are meant to sit back with our chins tucked under. Anything else and we begin to experience neck pain.
  • Neck and Shoulder Tension and Pain
  • Headaches

Benefits of Proper Tongue Positioning

What are the benefits of holding your tongue the right way? Avoiding all of the uncomfortable symptoms of improper tongue posture! We’ve broken these benefits down into four categories:

  • Look Better – That’s right! Proper tongue positioning leads to a more attractive face with higher cheekbones and a stronger jawline because the muscles in your mouth are where they are supposed to be. People who hold their tongue correctly are also less likely to have crowded, crooked teeth.
  • Feel Better – When your tongue is in the right place, you can have a healthy bite, no jaw pain, neck pain or headaches.
  • Breath Better
  • Sleep Better

Tongue Positioning Exercises

Take advantage of the benefits of proper tongue positioning with these exercises!

The first exercise helps you get an idea of the shape of your mouth as well as where your tongue should be. Start by feeling the back of your teeth with the tip of your tongue. Now slide the tip back to the flat area just behind your teeth, then to the bumpy, ridged area behind that. You will notice that the roof of your mouth slopes off behind the ridged area into the cavity of your palate. It is just before the slope that your tongue should rest–in the most defined “ridge.” This is called “the spot.”

The second exercise helps you find where the back of your tongue should rest. Start by making a big, cheezy grin and raising your eyebrows. Now, try to swallow while keeping your teeth clenched. This may be difficult, but if you can do it successfully, you will feel the back of your tongue pressing against the roof of your mouth–This is where you want it to be.

To see results from both of these exercises, practice them several times throughout the day. If you do so, you should start to notice your muscle memory kicking-in and your tongue rising to the correct position naturally!

Now that you know what tongue positioning is and how to use it to improve significant parts of your overall health and well-being, what are you going to do about it? We hope that you use these exercises and get started on your way looking, feeling, breathing and sleeping better. If you are experiencing some of the signs and symptoms we mention above and would like to speak with a local dentist about tongue positioning, please contact Dr. Owen Mandanas. Dr. Mandanas will take a holistic approach to your healthcare, considering the whole body and how each part interacts with the others for your well-being.

Natural Remedies for Dry Sockets

Natural Remedies for Dry Sockets

Two days after your tooth extraction, you begin to experience excruciating, throbbing pain. Perhaps it extends to the ear and the eye on the extraction side of your face. Bad news. You probably have a dry socket.

Dry sockets occur when a blood clot either does not form after a tooth extraction or is lost. When this happens, the jawbone and nerves that were protected by the blood clot become exposed, causing significant pain and delayed healing. Good news. There are natural remedies for dry sockets that can relieve your pain within minutes to hours.

Clove Oil – Clove oil is used by dentists in so many applications that the smell of clove oil is often what patients identify as the smell of a dental office. Why is clove oil used so frequently in the dental field? Because it has antiseptic properties that fight bacteria in the mouth. These properties can be harnessed to treat a dry socket. Simply rinse the socket gently with warm salt water to clean it then apply a clove oil dressing, made by rolling a piece of cotton or gauze into a ball and adding a drop of clove oil. The ball should be small enough to fit in the socket without compacting but big enough to prevent food from entering it. Replace the ball every 24 hours until the pain is relieved. This process can take up to 5 days, but some relief can be expected within minutes to an hour.

Salt Water – Stir 1/2 teaspoon of salt into an 8 oz glass of warm water until the salt dissolves. Warm water can reduce swelling while salt can prevent infection. It is good to rinse gently with this solution 24 hours after a tooth extraction to prevent dry sockets. If you already have dry sockets, rinse gently with the solution 2-3 times per day to see results.

Cold Compress – A cold compress can be made using an ice pack purchased from the store, ice cubes and a towel, or a towel soaked in cold water. What is important is that the cold object is applied to the wounded area with pressure. Hold the compress to the side of the face that is affected for 15 minutes, 4-5 times per day to reduce swelling.

Honey – Honey is a natural antibacterial. Some studies report that honey can sterilize dry sockets within 3-6 days. Make a honey dressing in the same way that you would make a clove oil dressing, only by dipping the cotton or gauze ball into the honey with a pair of tweezers.

Black Tea – Black tea is a natural antibiotic, capable of reducing pain and swelling. Place a black tea bag in hot water as you would to make tea. Once the tea is sufficiently brewed, remove the tea bag and let it cool. Once cool, place the tea bag on the dry socket and hold it there for 5-10 minutes. Afterward, use the tea you made to rinse your mouth.

Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple cider vinegar is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, preventing infections. To make an apple cider vinegar dressing, dip a cotton ball in the vinegar and place it on the dry socket, holding it there for 10 minutes, 2 times per day.

Garlic – As unpleasant as it may sound, garlic is another natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory, good for treating dry sockets. Make a paste using garlic cloves and a little salt. Apply the paste to the socket for 30 minutes before removing and rinsing with warm water.

Turmeric – Turmeric is a natural pain reliever and anti-inflammatory. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric with a little water to make a paste and apply it to the dry socket. After 20 minutes, rinse the area with warm water. Do this 2-3 times per day.

Valerian Root – Valerian root is capable of alleviating the sensitivity of the nervous system. Make a tea by placing a piece of the root in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Sip the tea 2 times per day.

Tea Tree Oil – Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic that can heal dry sockets. Dip a cotton swab in water then place 1-2 drops of tea tree oil on it. Press this against the dry socket for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Do this 2-3 times per day.

Now that you know some of the natural remedies for dry sockets, which will you choose? For more natural ways to take care of your teeth after dry sockets, read Natural Ways to Improve Teeth Health.

How Oral Health Impacts Mental Health (and vice versa!)

How Oral Health Impacts Mental Health (and vice-versa!)

As a holistic dentist, I believe the body is more interconnected than we know. Health in one part of the body influences health in all of the others. Oral health has ramifications that extend to affect both body and mind! Learn more about the influences of oral health on mental health (and vice-versa!) below.

Oral Health Affects Mental Health

Poor or neglected oral health can damage feelings of personal value and self-confidence, which is harmful to mental health. Imagine the implications of a depressed patient learning that no one wants to talk to them because of their bad breath. The following results of poor oral health can cause or exacerbate social anxiety, which can lead to depression:

  • Difficulty eating or speaking
  • Poor appearance – yellowing, decaying, or lost teeth
  • Chronic bad breath

Poor oral health has also been correlated with memory loss. Research suggests that the bacteria from oral diseases such as Gingivitis and Periodontitis (gum disease) may travel through the bloodstream to the brain, causing inflammation and destruction of the neurons that can lead to memory loss, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease. More research needs to be done to confirm the correlation. Read more about the link between oral diseases and physical illnesses in our blog, Why Health Gums Are Important.

Mental Health Affects Oral Health

On the flip side, mental health has significant ramifications for oral health. Patients with severe mental illnesses are 2.7 times more likely to have lost all of their teeth than the general populous. Learn more about how specific mental illnesses correlate with oral health issues below:

Depression & Schizophrenia | Patients who suffer from depression or schizophrenia are more likely to neglect oral hygiene, which can lead to gum disease and tooth decay.

Bipolar Disorder & Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) | Patients with bipolar disorder or OCD can be over-zealous with their brushing, flossing, and mouthwashing, which can lead to damaged gums. Also, bipolar patients are often treated with a form of medication that can cause dry mouth or mouth sores. It is easier for bacteria to stick around in a dry mouth, leading to plaque, gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath.

Dementia | Patients who have dementia may forget to take care of their teeth or fail to remember if they have already done so, which can lead to gum disease and tooth decay.

Eating Disorders | Patients with bulimia experience additional acid in the mouth due to vomiting, which can cause tooth decay. Anorexic patients often consume less calcium and other nutrients teeth need to stay strong.

Substance Abuse | Abuse of alcohol, caffeine, or tobacco can cause tooth decay.

Dental Phobia | Dental phobia, or, fear of the dentist, is a diagnosable phobia. Patients with dental phobia are less likely to make visits to the dentist and receive proper dental care on a regular basis as they should.

Also, some of the drugs used to treat mental illnesses include possible side effects of susceptibility to oral bacterial infection.

In summary, oral health and mental health do not exist in silos. They each affect each other in powerful ways. To me, this affirms the importance of holistic dentistry. Whole body health is just as important as the health of an individual part of the body. If you would like to take this approach to your dental care, contact me, Dr. Owen Mandanas.

Natural Ways to Improve Teeth Health

Natural Ways to Improve Teeth Health

Healthy teeth come naturally. In fact, the chemicals used in popular teeth cleaning products are sometimes the root cause of gum disease and tooth decay. Simple changes to your dental health routine and dietary lifestyle can improve the health of your teeth without the hype.

Change Your Dental Health Routine

Regular brushing and flossing is the first and most obvious way to avoid gum disease and tooth decay naturally. If you aren’t already brushing and flossing on a daily basis, you need to start. Some less obvious ways to improve the health of your teeth by changing your routine include:

  1. Change your toothpaste. The chemicals in popular toothpaste brands contain toxins that reduce healthy bacteria in the mouth. Healthy bacteria help your mouth fight off bad bacteria. Bad bacteria cause gum disease and tooth decay. To protect your mouth against bad bacteria and improve the health of your teeth, switch to a toxin-free toothpaste that uses natural anti-bacterial agents. Learn more in 5 Facts about Traditional Toothpaste and The Benefits of Natural Toothpaste.
  2. Scrape your tongue. Tongue-scraping removes food debris, dead cells, and accompanying bad bacteria from your mouth. Tongue-scraping is done using a tool that can be found in the dental hygiene aisle of your local department store. Read the instructions on the package to operate the tool properly.
  3. Practice oil pulling. Oil pulling uses coconut or sesame seed oil to pull bacteria from your mouth, which is then spit out. To practice oil pulling, swish about a teaspoon of oil in your mouth before you brush your teeth, without gargling the oil or swallowing, for 20 minutes. If you cannot go the full 20 minutes, 5 or 10 minutes will do. After you spit, gargle with a mixture of warm water and salt to wash out the bacteria-laden oil.

Change Your Diet

The British Medical Journal published a study on the impact of dietary differences on cavities in children. They found that some foods encourage cavities, while others can bolster the healing of cavity-affected teeth. Here are some recommended changes to make to your diet based on that study:

  1. Eat mineral-rich foods (foods containing calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous). The cells in your teeth use the minerals you feed your body to regenerate when they have been affected by cavities. Mineral-rich foods include vegetables (especially leafy greens), fruits, proteins (including meat, fish, and eggs), raw dairy products, and fruits. Bone broth is especially rich in the minerals your teeth need to rebuild.
  2. Avoid foods containing phytic acid. Phytic acid binds with the minerals your teeth need, making the minerals unavailable for use by your teeth. It can also take minerals directly from your teeth. Foods high in phytic acid include grains, beans, and seeds. The phytic acid in grains can be significantly reduced through fermentation, and in beans and seeds through soaking and sprouting.
  3. Seek out fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, K, and especially D). These can be found in healthy fats like coconut oil, avocados, and olives. Fermented cod liver oil is a popular healthy fat for dental health.
  4. Run from sugar. Sugar feeds bad bacteria, and the acid in sugar can eat away at your teeth. Natural sugars are better than processed sugars, but they still need to be limited. Limit fruit to one per day.

Healthy teeth can be achieved by adjustments to what you eat and how you routinely clean your mouth. Natural methods of avoiding gum disease and tooth decay can stop and reverse issues before they arise. For more information on natural ways to improve teeth health, talk to a local holistic dentist.

Why Healthy Gums Are Important

Why Healthy Gums Are Important

We all know the drill. “Brush your teeth twice a day and don’t forget to floss!” Dentists around the world have played this tape for years, searing into our minds the importance of oral hygiene. But do we really believe in it? Big words like gingivitis (gum inflammation) and periodontitis (gum disease) may sound scary, but what are the real consequences of unhealthy gums? Gum health can have repercussions for not just the mouth, but the whole body as well.

Gingivitis to Periodontitis (gum disease)

Say you’ve slacked on your dental duties. Noticeable plaque has begun to build in a couple problem areas on your teeth. Remember that plaque is an invisible, sticky, bacteria-laden film that can harden to your teeth and become tarter, a cement-like material that is difficult to remove. Needless to say, your gums are not happy with their new bacteria neighbors. Here are some signs that you may have Gingivitis:

  • Gums are red, swollen (inflamed), tender, and subject to bleeding
  • Gums are receding from the teeth
  • A pocket has developed between the teeth and the gums
  • Chronic bad breath, often accompanied by a bad taste in the mouth

Gingivitis can progress to Periodontitis (gum disease) if it is not taken care of. Periodontitis is much more serious, putting you at risk of severely damaging or in some cases losing your teeth as supportive bone and tissue become affected. Periodontitis may be present in your mouth if:

  • Pus has developed between the teeth and gums
  • Teeth are loosening
  • Your bite has changed
  • Chewing has become painful

Treating Gingivitis can be as easy as getting a thorough cleaning from your dentist and recommitting to a regular brush and floss routine. Treating Periodontitis requires a deeper cleaning process called scaling and root planing. Scaling involves removing tarter below the gum line, which can sometimes require the use of a laser or ultrasonic device. Root planing smoothes the rough spots of the teeth so that the gums have a place to adhere. Medications such as gels, rinses, and oral antibiotics may be used to keep bacteria at bay. In advanced cases of Periodontitis, surgery may be required.

Bacteria in the Body

The bacteria that cause gum disease can damage more than just your teeth. Research is suggesting that this bacteria may enter the bloodstream through the gums, impacting the heart, lungs, and other parts of the body as well. More research needs to be done to confirm the correlation, but gum disease has been linked to the following health issues:

  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Coronary Artery Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Respiratory Infection/Disease
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Stroke

Gum disease can get complicated. Tooth loss is not out of the question for untreated Periodontitis, which has ramifications for lifestyle and appearance. Health complications like Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, and Stroke can be life-altering. Why not alter your lifestyle instead and keep up on your dental hygiene? If you think your mouth may show signs of gum disease, talk to your local holistic dentist. She can discuss treatment options with you and provide you with best practices for healthy gums that involve more than just “brush and floss.”


Benefits of Natural Toothpaste

The Benefits of Natural Toothpaste

Natural toothpaste is becoming more and more popular for good reason. Your gums absorb whatever ingredients you put into your mouth. That means both the good things and the bad like chemicals in toothpastes and mouthwashes, get connected directly to your whole body through your gums. Therefore, having healthy gums and a healthy mouth is one of the best ways to contribute to your overall physical health. With that in mind, doesn’t it make sense to use the healthiest products out there for your teeth?

Check the labels on your tooth products.

Many common toothpastes and mouthwashes contain elements that are harmful to us in various ways.

  • Most of us have been convinced that we need fluoride in our water and our toothpaste. Most of us are already getting enough in our water (even for children) that we don’t need more in our toothpaste.
  • Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLS) is used to make toothpaste foam, but believe it or not, it is a detergent. A detergent you’ll find in most shampoos and is a skin irritant for many people. The foaming isn’t something you need; it’s just something we’ve come to expect.
  • Saccharin is a common sweetener in many types of mouthwash and toothpastes but not used in foods due to it causing kidney cancer in lab rats. Many people feel it’s not a big deal because you aren’t eating it. However, since your gums absorb so much, it can be serious.

Benefits of Natural Toothpastes

Most of the benefits of brushing your teeth come from the actual act of brushing, even if you are only using water. It is the bacteria in your mouth that can cause gingivitis and other dental issues. Natural toothpastes can eliminate the bacteria in your mouth naturally with out using harmful chemicals.

Natural toothpastes use natural ingredients like mint and other herbs to freshen your breath. They are free of artificial flavoring and dyes. Many natural toothpastes use natural ingredients like hydrated silica to whiten teeth, which is gentler on your teeth than artificial bleaching agents found in common toothpastes.

Your mouth, your teeth, your gums are a very important part of your overall health. Invest in yourself and try different natural tooth pastes until you find one you like.

5 Facts About Traditional Toothpaste

Toothpaste is widely regarded as a necessity in the daily routine of cleaning our teeth, but perhaps that notion is worth reconsidering. Countless times, dentists are asked which toothpaste brand is right for patients. Indeed, there is a reason why there has yet to be a declared winner. Dental experts maintain that in the path towards cleaner and whiter teeth, it is not so much a matter of which toothpaste to use. That is because traditional toothpaste does not hold a very high influence at all in this regard. Here is why:

 The Truth About Toothpaste

1. In reality, toothpaste is only a cosmetic product. It does not whiten your teeth so much as freshen your mouth. While our mouths may feel fresher after a brushing session, it is only due to the intense flavor of the paste; plenty of plaque and bacteria will still be left to continue thriving because most traditional toothpastes lack the ingredients to remove them effectively.

2. With the above in mind, remember: Using more toothpaste does not equal a better clean. Television commercials show a generous amount of toothpaste applied on a brush, but they are not really showing you the correct amount – they are simply encouraging you to be wasteful so you run out quicker and have to buy their brand more often. That equates to marketing dollars for them and no added cleanliness for you.

3. The official website of the ADA (American Dental Association) even has a section devoted to toothpaste, and you will not find anything in it that pertains to cleaner teeth. Granted, it sets fluoride requirements which some studies say can contribute to long-term enamel health and strength. However, there is no mention of any toothpaste’s effect on overall oral cleanliness and hygiene.

4. Here is a breakdown of what most toothpaste brands really contain: Fluoride for enamel strengthening; Sodium Lauryl Sulfate for the foaming action we see in toothpaste; Abrasive particles like silica, calcium carbonate, or chalk whose “grittiness” is used to slightly polish teeth; Desensitizers  that help sensitive teeth but still do not clean them; Tartar control agents that can burn mouths that sensitive to a higher pH; and Triclosan, which is claimed to fight against oral infections but is also suspected of being an endocrine disruptor and possible carcinogen.

5. It is not the toothpaste that removes plaque and makes your teeth whiter – it is the actual brushing technique that keeps your teeth clean. Learning and applying the proper brushing technique, and making sure you are brushing for at least two minutes, is more important than debating which brand of toothpaste to use.

Using Holistic Toothpaste Alternatives

There is a wide variety of alternatives to traditional toothpaste, using only ingredients that are not detrimental to our health. Some toothpaste alternatives use natural abrasives like charcoal and bentonite clay – they contain the right amount of grit to polish teeth while also altering the pH in our mouths to neutralize bacteria and make it harder for it to grow. These kinds of alternatives may be worth some invested individual research. Some patients are comfortable making the leap to such unconventional ingredients, while some remain skeptical or reluctant to try an orally applied product with, say, charcoal in it. One thing is certain: regardless of what is on your brush, what matters most is the actual brushing – brush correctly, brush diligently, brush often.

If you are looking for a healthier alternative route to better brushing without traditional toothpaste, it is best to talk with a local holistic dentist about your best choices.

Holistic dentistry in Anchorage, Alaska

Why Is Holistic Dentistry Important?

More people are adopting the holistic approach to better health and wellness. Dentistry is one particular field where many practitioners have chosen to use holistic methods.

Of course, holistic dentistry can and is often misinterpreted and misunderstood when compared to “traditional” dentistry. Many times, it is perceived that “holistic” dentistry and “traditional” dentistry are two completely different, mutually exclusive practices and that any given practitioner MUST be one or other. So before we start exploring the value of holistic dentistry, it is extremely crucial to remember: every dentist is different. He or she can borrow from both holistic and traditional schools of thought. Now that we’ve got that out of the way let’s explore what makes holistic dentistry so special!


The term “holistic” is a reference to “the whole.” So holistic dentistry doesn’t just address your teeth and mouth – it addresses factors that have implications for your entire health and well-being. A holistic dentist will focus on educating their patients on how dentistry plays a major role in their overall health. For example, did you know your dental and oral health can have a direct effect on sleep apnea (and vice versa)? In fact, some dentists even offer things like Ortho-Tain to help resolve sleep apnea issues! General health concerns are completely in considered when you visit a holistically oriented dentist.



Another benefit of holistic dentistry is that practitioners pay very close attention to the effects their dental appliances and materials will have on your overall health. Here are some examples:

  • Holistic dentists tend to avoid things like mercury amalgam fillings. Mercury, of course, is poisonous to our bodies. Even the smallest amounts will put your overall health at great risk. As a metal, mercury fillings can also put extreme pressure on your tooth and as a result, will last longer than the tooth itself.
  • Root canals are addressed with extreme caution and attention to detail, as holistic dentists understand that 100% sterilization of the canal is difficult to achieve. Also, some sterilization chemicals in fact toxic, such as formaldehyde. Leftover bacteria in the canal can also lead to things like breast cancer and heart disease. Many holistic dentists will instead recommend the total extraction of the tooth, but would prefer to provide detailed insights towards preventing symptoms in the first place.
  • Holistic dentists prefer topical fluoride is favored over ingested fluoride. Ingested fluoride can cause health defects like cancer and bone damage, and research has shown that it has no real benefit to your teeth.

Take the time to ask what your local holistic dentist can do for you and your family. You may find that as you utilize this form of care for your mouth and teeth, your overall health will improve as well, leading to a happier, healthier life!

healthy foods for sleep apnea diet in Anchorage, Alaska

Eating Right When You Have Sleep Apnea

There is a growing awareness that sleep apnea and oral hygiene have much to do with each other. However, many patients would be surprised if their dentist asked them about their sleeping patterns. The truth is our oral cavity has a direct role in the cause of sleep apnea – a disorder caused by inhibited breathing pathways. What we eat, how we eat, and how our mouths allow the passage of air are all important factors – factors that have a much more obvious association with dental health.

Dentists will, of course, tell you to avoid the traditional sugary treats in order to improve dental health. I want to go a step further and offer some tips that are not only good for dental health – they are great for sleep health. If you suffer from sleep apnea, try adding more of these foods into your daily diet this summer:

  1. Fruits and vegetables: Rich in nutrients and fibers – and of course low on calories – fruits and vegetables are ideal substitutes for cookies and candy. Also, fiber promotes a longer feeling of fullness; the longer you feel full, the less likely you are to overeat. This is especially crucial, as most sleep apnea sufferers tend to be overweight. Just avoid bananas (we’ll get to that later, promise).
  2. Low-fat dairy products: Full of vitamin D, protein, and calcium, low-fat dairy also helps you feel fuller, longer. Try swapping out whole milk, heavy cream, and cheddar cheese for skim or low-fat milk and part-skim mozzarella cheese. Again, these foods will help promote healthy weight management, which in turn aids in your sleep apnea management.
  3. Plant-based oils: Overweight sleep apnea sufferers can also benefit from the unsaturated fats from plant-based oils as a great substitute for saturated fats in butter and margarine. Oils from canola, olives, safflowers, sunflowers, flaxseeds, and of course vegetables mean a wide variety of options.
  4. Whole grains: Whole grains operate in much of the same way as fruits and vegetables – they are richer in nutrients and fibers, which makes you feel fuller for a longer amount of time. Breads and cereals have a wide variety of whole grain options, and you can also opt for wild or brown rice, pearled barley, and old-fashioned oats.

Watch out for the following foods, which can make sleep apnea conditions worse:

  1. Bananas: While most fruits are great for improving sleep apnea symptoms, bananas are an exception. They actually can increase mucus production, which can make breathing problems worse while you sleep. The softer and more over-ripe they are, the more likely they can be to contributing to your problem.
  2. High-fat dairy: We already explained why low-fat dairy is a better option compared to high-fat products. The reason is simple: they are higher in fat! Since sleep apnea and obesity have a direct relationship, it will benefit you to cut out heavy cream, whole milk, cheddar cheese, butter, etc.
  3. High-fat meats: Because curbing fat intake is so crucial to addressing sleep apnea, beef and pork should be eaten very sparingly at best. The same goes for fried chicken and fish. When NOT fried, however, fish can be extremely beneficial. As an Alaskan staple, salmon’s high Omega-3 yield is optimal for maintaining ideal fat intake.
  4. Refined carbs: These foods are why whole grain options (mentioned above) are a better choice; refined carbohydrates contain a high amount of added sugar – already on the “unapproved” list as far as dentists are concerned. Their likelihood of contributing to weight gain is obviously higher, and will increase the risk of sleep apnea symptoms.

If you are concerned about how your oral health or diet may be affecting or even causing sleep apnea, it might be a good time to contact your local comprehensive, holistic dental expert.